How I Earn (Free) Amazon Giftcards (Swagbucks, Feature Points)

7:10 PM

I don't work because I'm a student. I try not to use too much spending money (because I don't make anything at the moment!), but from time to time I find myself browsing in CVS or scrolling through Amazon for beauty products to review.

To make up for my browsing-for-new-stuff addiction, I found two online sites that let you earn Amazon Giftcards through doing a few tasks. I'm always connected to the internet, so this is a great option for me because it's easy and fun, and in the end it pays off!

The best method I've found so far:
Feature Points (just found this yesterday)
an app for iPhone and Android that asks you to download apps for free, try them for a minute, and then rewards you with points that are redeemable for gift cards!

Each app pays you anywhere from 60-120 FP. A $3 giftcard is 1800 FP, and a $5 giftcard is 6000! As you can see, I've already earned more than 2000 FP, just from two day's worth of using the app.

Downside: once you've tried all the apps available, you have to wait until more offers come out (which happened to me)!

Referral Code: C7486F (type this in when you make your account) 
You'll receive 50 bonus points right from the start.
Link for download:

Swagbucks is quite a popular and well-known website for earning rewards. It also has a few ways to earn points. I've already gotten my first $5 giftcard to Amazon through Swagbucks, though it did take me a couple of weeks to rack up the points.

How I Use It: Daily Poll (2 SB per day), NOSO (2 SB per day), Swag Codes (anywhere from 3-5 SB, comes out daily. I usually miss these). I also play the videos (you get 3 SB after watching 30 seconds of  10 videos), keeping them on a different tab and muting the sound.

Swagbucks: The name of the points awarded when you complete a task. 1 point is equivalent to 1 cent. A $5 Amazon gift card costs 450 points.

Referral link:  (to earn 150 SB)

Do any of you use these sites or something similar? Let me know! Yay for free giftcards!

Note: This is not a sponsored post. I am not affiliated with Feature Points or Swagbucks. All opinions and experiences are my own.

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  1. I am definitely using this app/website! Amazing blog & would you
    like to follow each other on GFC, Google+ & Bloglovin? Lemme know & lets keep
    in touch!


  2. This is such a good idea! I'll definitely check out whether we have something like this in the UK xx

    ☾ Liquorice Pearls ☾

    1. Feature Points works on iPhones and Androids, so I'm sure it works in the UK! It pays in gift cards, not currency.

  3. Great post, thanks for sharing! I love your blog and I have followed you with Bloglovin and GFC. If you ever get a chance to check out my blog I would be delighted, thanks!

    Camille xo

  4. nice post
    would you like to follow each other? :)
    i'll follow back after it

  5. Thank for follow my blo
    I already following your blog

  6. This is the perfect way to make a little bit of money in your spare time. Not too labor intensive. :] // ☼ ☯

  7. This sounds like such a good idea but too time consuming I think x
    Freya's Fashion Chapter | TOPSHOP GIVEAWAY

  8. nice blog dear
    would you like to follow each other on our blogs ...?
    let me know> 
    I wait for you, kisses!

  9. Ok, so I've heard about this app before but I always hesitated for some reason. You've finally convinced me!

    Mi Luz. Mi Luna.

  10. Cool gift cards ^^

    恵美より ♥

  11. great post, thx for sharing, def check it out!
    I would really appreciated, if we could follow each other on BL and GFC! let me know!!
    xoxo Colli // my little blog - tobeyoutiful // Bloglovin'

  12. Thank you for becoming followers of my blog.
    as promised I've become your follower.
    see you soon darling, kisses

    New post >


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