
My Hiatus, New Hair Explained and Apologies (again)

6:29 PM
(My feelings right now) Ok, you can laugh all you want. At the beginning of January I made a resolution to blog more which obviously wasn't filled at all. I had a lot of products planned that I wanted to talk about--and outfits put together to photograph and post. But then, second semester hit me like a train. First semester I had a...



Favorites of 2015

11:30 PM
Now that we're about a week or so into 2016, this post seems a little outdated, but I thought it would be a fun post to share nonetheless. 2015 was a big year for me in terms of makeup exploration (just check out some of the looks I've done here). I have grown a lot as an artist, and I'm a lot more...



New Year's Resolutions and A Restart

12:57 AM
So, this blog sadly withered into nothing, after two years of hard work and regular posts. I could blame college, but really I think I just felt creatively dry in terms of producing content for this blog. Thank you to those who still stuck around--I really, really appreciate it. While I was on blogging hiatus, I also started a new Instagram account: I...



Makeup Artistry and Instagram Dislike/Exploration

6:48 PM
Hi guys. I've just finished one super hectic week of papers and projects and due dates. I still have quite a bit of work to do for some classes, but the worst is over... for now. I hope you all had a lovely October (so sad it's over) and a safe Halloween! I haven't been too active on my blog lately because it...